The Fundraising Target

To assist the New Children’s and Teenage Cancer Centre, to be built at the Sutton Site.  It will be bigger and better equipped than the existing Unit, which is now outdated and short of space. 

The new unit will be Europe’s foremost Children’s and Teenage Cancer Centre and a world leader in paediatric drug development, enabling the Royal Marsden to treat and cure more children and teenagers with cancer.

Aims to:

•Double inpatient and day patient capacity

•Create a dedicated Teenage Unit

•Have dedicated drug development beds for children and teenagers, where new anti-cancer agents can be trialled on site for the first time anywhere in the world

To get their plans off the ground The Royal Marsden Cancer Campaign needs to raise

£15 million.

Eurotandem would like to make a small but significant contribution towards this.

The Cause

“The Royal Marsden Hospital was the first hospital in the world dedicated to cancer treatment and research into the causes of cancer. Today the hospital with its academic partner, The Institute of Cancer Research, forms the largest comprehensive cancer centre in Europe with over 40,000 patients from the UK and abroad seen each year”